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One of the most troublesome facial features is impossible to hide: a double chin. If you have developed fat beneath your chin, we can help you melt it away, without surgery. Kybella is a groundbreaking injectable that works magic on a double chin. At Aesthera, we serve patients in Pismo Beach, San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria with our Kybella injections.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an FDA-approved, non-surgical injectable that uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid. Using this natural-occurring acid, Kybella destroys fat cells in the injected area to create a slimmer, more youthful jawline. 

Since Kybella effectively kills fat cells, the under-chin area will no longer be able to store fat – the results can last a lifetime as long as you maintain a healthy weight.

Am I a candidate for Kybella? 

If you feel your facial look is less attractive due to fat beneath your chin, you may be a good candidate for Kybella. Most people with a double chin are good candidates for Kybella’s fat-destroying results. Kybella is not appropriate for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or people with bleeding issues who take blood thinners.

Woman checking out her skin in the mirror

What can I expect during my Kybella procedure? 

The naturally-occurring acid in Kybella is carefully injected into the under-chin fat in a grid pattern. You will need between 20-50 small injections per session. You may need multiple sessions, based on the quantity of fat that has developed in the under-chin area. 

Our aesthetic nurse specialist will apply a numbing agent and ice pack, after which your Kybella injections are administered, taking about 15 to 20 minutes to complete per session. 

After each session of Kybella for patients we serve in the Santa Maria and San Luis Obispo area, you could experience some swelling that could last more than a week. Within a month after your treatment, you will see the changes: A sleeker, more defined chin and jawline.

Is Kybella safe?

Kybella was FDA-approved in 2015 after two clinical trials with over 1,000 participants. Once available, this injectable took the aesthetic market by storm – a fatty double chin can disappear without surgery or liposuction, with just a simple set of injections. Are you one of the countless people who feel that the excess fat under your chin leaves you looking older, heavier, and less attractive? You may be the perfect candidate for Kybella injections.

How many sessions of Kybella will I need? 

The number of Kybella treatment sessions needed will reflect the current amount of fat that has developed beneath your chin. You could need just one Kybella treatment or a series of treatments – every person is unique. Appointments for Kybella at our office in Pismo Beach are scheduled at least one month to six weeks apart. 

Why visit Aesthera in Pismo Beach for my Kybella treatment? 

Aesthera is the premier destination for facial treatments in the Central Coast of California. Our dedicated aestheticians and highly skilled skincare experts have many years of experience delivering superior results. Our team is talented, educated, certified, and focused on achieving wellness from the inside out. Imagine yourself without a double chin – that’s the beauty of our Kybella treatments in Pismo Beach. Aesthera is here to help you make it real.

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What is Kybella recovery like? 

Kybella is a quick non-invasive procedure with a fast recovery. You will be able to return to work immediately after your session but may experience some swelling under the chin that could continue for a couple of weeks.

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