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The Magic of Halo Laser Treatment

Halo laser treatment is a revolutionary procedure that marries two types of laser technologies: Ablative and non-ablative wavelengths. This dual-wavelength approach allows for a comprehensive treatment that addresses skin issues at various depths. 

What Are The Benefits of Halo Laser Treatment?

Halo laser treatment offers a host of advantages. It effectively reduces cosmetic skin issues such as: 

  • Enlarged pores
  • Sun damage
  • Scarring
  • Rough texture
  • Signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines

As a non-invasive treatment option, it ensures minimal discomfort and downtime. This means you can quickly return to your daily routine while enjoying a fresher, more youthful complexion.

Woman smiling and looking to the side

Who's The Ideal Candidate for Halo laser Treatment?

Halo laser treatment is suitable for adults of all skin types and tones who wish to revitalize their skin and reduce signs of aging. Ideal candidates are generally in good health, have a desire to address skin imperfections, and have realistic expectations about the outcome. Pregnant or nursing individuals should refrain from undergoing this treatment.

What Areas Can Be Treated With Halo Laser?

The versatility of Halo laser treatment lies in its ability to treat various skin conditions on different body parts. Not limited to just your face, this treatment can address skin imperfections on your: 

  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Arms
  • Hands
  • Legs 

It's a comprehensive solution for sun damage, age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, and even scars. You can target specific problem areas with Halo laser treatment or opt for a full-body rejuvenation.

What Are The Advantages of Halo Laser Treatment?

One of its key advantages is its dual-wavelength feature, which allows it to simultaneously target both the top layer and deeper layers of the skin. This results in comprehensive skin rejuvenation. The Halo laser also stimulates collagen production, enhancing skin elasticity and firmness over time. Furthermore, the treatment is customizable, allowing us to adjust the intensity to suit your specific skin needs and goals. The Halo laser boasts a quicker healing time than other resurfacing methods, making it a popular choice for those seeking effective results with minimal downtime.

The Halo Laser Treatment Procedure

Halo laser treatment is performed as an outpatient procedure and typically takes under an hour to complete. A topical numbing cream is applied to the treatment area, and then the Halo laser handpiece is guided over your skin. The device's built-in cooling function minimizes any discomfort, making the procedure as comfortable as possible.

Recovery: A Quick Bounce Back

Post-treatment, you may experience a warm sensation in the treated area for a few hours, and some peeling could occur within a few days. To protect your newly rejuvenated skin, it's recommended to minimize sun exposure for a month or two after the treatment. Most patients return to work and their everyday routines within 24 to 48 hours, resuming strenuous exercise a few days later.

Trust Your Skin to Aesthera

Choosing Aesthera for your Halo laser treatment means entrusting your skin to a team of skilled professionals led by Shonra Weiss, our Certified Aesthetic Nurse Specialist. At Aesthera, we prioritize medical excellence and patient satisfaction. We listen to your goals, provide honest and knowledgeable advice, and focus on delivering flawless results. Our treatments go beyond skin deep – we aim to boost your confidence and enhance your life. Experience the Aesthera difference today.

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