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A firm, contoured chin, and a sculpted jawline are a desirable feature of the face. Unfortunately, as you age, you may develop fatty deposits beneath your chin. A double chin can be almost impossible to resolve with diet and exercise and can leave you looking much older and heavier. At Aesthera, we can help you restore a youthful jawline and neck with our double chin treatments in Pismo Beach

How does Kybella treat a double chin? 

Kybella is a non-surgical treatment injectable that melts away the fat in a double chin with no downtime or recovery. The active ingredient in Kybella, deoxycholic acid, occurs naturally and functions to break down dietary fat. Kybella has a synthetic version of this acid that, when injected into the area under your chin, will dissolve the outer membrane of fat cells, liquifying them so they can be swept away by your system. Once these stubborn fat cells are affected by the Kybella injections, they will be shed over time, and your under-chin fat melts away. If you are tired of living with a double chin, you deserve to find out more about this groundbreaking injectable.

What are the benefits of Kybella?

Kybella has forever changed the aesthetic industry. It is the first and only injectable for treating a double chin, and offers the following benefits:

  • Non-surgical
  • Fast treatment
  • Long-lasting treatment – fat is gone forever
  • Minimal recovery time
  • Creates a more youthful facial profile
Woman posing with her hand under her chin while looking away

What can I expect during treatment with Kybella? 

Treating a double chin with Kybella is a quick procedure that can be performed in as little as 30 minutes. Your Kybella injections will be delivered in our private facility in Pismo Beach, where you will relax in comfort and privacy. A series of injections will then be administered in a grid pattern in the fatty area. Multiple sessions may be needed based on the size of the fat deposit. 

What can I expect following treatment with Kybella? 

Since treatment with Kybella is non-invasive, you may immediately return to your usual activities as soon as your session has completed. You may experience mild swelling, bruising, and redness at the injection sites. These side effects are temporary and may be treated with ice to reduce swelling. Over the coming weeks, you will see a more defined chin and
jawline area, with final results visible approximately four to six weeks following the last treatment session.

Why choose Aesthera for a double chin treatment?

Aesthera was established by a team of talented and dedicated medical and aesthetic professionals. Each member of our team is dedicated to enhancing your life’s journey through whole-body wellness. Aesthera is a place where you can relax while receiving state-of-the-art treatments to achieve your personal vision of beauty. There’s no need for you to live with a double chin or to consider surgery or liposuction to remove it. With injections of FDA-approved Kybella, you will receive the best double chin treatment Pismo Beach has to offer, by restoring a youthful, defined jawline.

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